In 2019 I set a goal to meditate every day, did I do it… no. In 2020, I reset the goal and then the pandemic hit, and meditation become helpful but not a priority. Then in 2021 I finally did it, I really build up a great meditation practice. It has really changed my mental health and my creativity. I do a 10-20 minute guided meditation first thing in the morning and then will spot-treat throughout the day with shorter meditations or breathing exercises.

The benefits

Meditation can be highly beneficial for nurturing creativity, creating some work-life balance, handling stress, and overall mental health.

Here are some reasons why meditation is so powerful:

Improved focus and concentration

Meditation helps train your mind to stay focused and present in the moment. By practicing meditation, you develop the ability to concentrate on a single object of focus, such as your breath or a mantra. This enhanced focus can carry over to your creative endeavors, allowing you to concentrate more deeply on your ideas and projects.

Enhanced clarity and insight

Regular meditation cultivates a state of inner stillness and quietude. This mental space can bring about greater clarity of thought and insight. By quieting the constant mental chatter, you create room for fresh ideas and innovative solutions to emerge.

Stress reduction

Meditation is known for its stress-reducing benefits. When your mind is burdened with stress and anxiety, it becomes challenging to tap into your creative potential. By engaging in meditation, you can calm your mind, relax your body, and reduce the negative impact of stress. This creates a fertile ground for creativity to flourish.

Heightened self-awareness

Meditation practices often involve self-reflection and introspection. By turning your attention inward, you develop a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and creative impulses. Increased self-awareness allows you to recognize patterns, biases, and limitations that may hinder your creativity. This self-knowledge empowers you to break free from creative blocks and explore new perspectives.

Access to the subconscious mind

Meditation can provide a gateway to the subconscious mind, which is a wellspring of creativity. As you relax and quiet your conscious mind, you open up channels for the subconscious to surface. This can lead to spontaneous insights, new ideas, and imaginative breakthroughs that may not have emerged through conscious thinking alone.

Cultivation of mindfulness

Mindfulness is a key component of meditation practice. It involves non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. When you engage in creative activities with mindfulness, you become fully immersed in the process, appreciating each step and detail. This deep presence allows you to tap into your intuition and connect with the essence of your creativity.

Increased resilience

Creativity often involves facing challenges, setbacks, and failures. Meditation can help build resilience and emotional stability, enabling you to bounce back from disappointments and persevere in the face of adversity. By developing an equanimous mindset through meditation, you can approach your creative endeavors with a greater sense of calm and resilience.

So you can see how it can benefit you, now how to do it.

The details


My friend Emily is the host of @journalingclasses and I can’t recommend it enough. She hosts a free mindful mornings class at 8:30 am every 2 weeks and lots of other options she shared on IG. I also love my NoPo journal from @noparticularorder!

Guided Meditation

I use Headspace in the mornings, it is my favorite way to start the day. I have done a few of the courses, I like the daily ones, and I often will use the nighttime ones when going to bed. Try it free for 30 days here. I also like the Insight Timer app every once in a while.

Breathing Exercises

Here are a few of my favorite techniques when I am feeling a little stressed or just need a minute:

  • Box Breathing: Breath out slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs. Breathe in through your nose as you slowly count to four in your head. Hold your breath for a count of four. Exhale for another count of four. Hold your breath again for a count of four. Repeat for three to four rounds.

  • Counting Breaths: Counting breaths, in 1, out 2, in 3… etc. Up to ten and then start again. I like to do 5-10 cycles.

  • Alternate Nostril Breathing: Breathe gently through one nostril while keeping the other shut with a finger.

Getting started

It can be overwhelming to start, I know, I tried and ‘failed’ but what I learned is that meditation is a practice like yoga or sports. You do it more and more so you can improve and the only way to improve is to start. Just start with 2-3 minutes daily. I started doing it in my bed and then moved to doing it sitting in a chair (which is recommended). You can improve the space, length of time, and your focus with practice.

Good luck and happy meditating!!


